

Saturday 7th September - Presidents Day and what a great day!

A total of 25 members attended with 24 taking part in the competition which consisted of experienced bowlers playing with a lesser experienced bowler selected by using a random selector. Each pairing played 4 games of 9 ends stopping for a Jacobs Join lunch and tea. A final took place with the 2 highest aggregate pairs playing 11 ends. The final was close and decided on the last bowl with a toucher.

The winners presented with trophies were Thelma McBratney and Gillian Yates, runners up Alan Balderstone (President) and John Hilton each receiving a bottle of wine with wooden spoon winners being Richard Moorby and Derek Barton. 

No attending member left empty handed they all received a scratch card from the President Alan Balderstone and his wishes for a big win.

Winners of Presidents Day 2024 Gillian Yates (left) Thelma McBratney (right)

Runners up Presidents Day 2024

Alan Balderstone President (left) and 

John Hilton

Wooden spoon winners Derek Barton (left) Richard Moorby (right)

Guess who

What a result!

It may have been a soggy, slightly boggy afternoon but there was nothing soggy about the performance of the Allithwaite Seniors 'A' team yesterday.  Just needing three games from the match to secure a promotion to division 1 they went out to win and win they did.  The final score, and it was close, 5 - 3 winning with the aggregate of just two points.

Many congratulations to the 'A' team who have made history as the first Allithwaite Seniors team to reach division 1 only achievable with a great  team effort and team spirit.  The celebratory spirit of choice for the captain of the team Gillian Balderston, Gin and well deserved.  

 The winner of the ABC Internal Singles Bowling Competition for 2024 is Lee Storey

What a great day we had on the green on Sunday the 18th August with 24 members  fighting for the chance of winning our very coveted singles trophy. The competition was based on a random draw so no one could predict what the outcome would be and with some experienced players knocked out in the earlier rounds and a lesser experienced new member making it to the semi final this year was no exception. 

Eventually, however, experience and brilliant play won out with two of our Kendal and District 'A' team players, Lee Storey and Kim Bryan making it to the final.  Lee took an early lead but Kim at 10 - 1 down made a valiant effort and fought back but Lee pressed harder and won with the score of 21 - 10. Well done Lee and commiserations Kim.

Finalists 2024 Kim Bryan and Lee Storey

Above - Winner 2024 Lee Storey (left) with Competitions Secretary Terry Jeffries

Below - Lee Storey with semi finalist John Hilton

The winners of the ABC Internal Doubles Bowling Competition for 2024 are Rob Keegan and Margaret Wilson

On Sunday 21st July we held our annual internal doubles competition. The competition was open to all members and the pairs drawn on the basis of their experience and ability.  It was great to see some of our new members for this season joining in the fun and indeed some of our founding members both playing and spectating.

Our finalist were Margaret Wilson and Rob Keegan playing against June Myatt and Jeanne Tattersall . June and Jeanne had played brilliantly throughout the rounds but they just couldn't beat our final champions Rob and Margaret  with the final score at 21 - 5.  Congratulations to Rob and Margaret who take away the crystal trophies for this year.  Well done!

Above 2024 Winners Margaret Wilson and Rob Keegan with ABC President (centre) Alan Balderstone

Below our runners up June Myatt and Jeanne Tattersall

The Internal Doubles starting brief

Let play begin

Watching the action

Serious play

Making bowling friends summer 2024

On Saturday 13th July we invited one of our neighbouring bowling clubs Heversham to an interclub friendly afternoon of bowling.  Terry Jeffries our Events Coordinator did a great job of arranging two different doubles matches, Allithwaite v Heversham which Heversham won by just one point and then, following an delicious afternoon tea,  doubles games with the pairs made up of one player from Heversham and one from Allithwaite, a great way to get to know each other while still remaining competitive. 

What a wonderful day, Invitation Day 2024

The day may have started a little cloudy and cool, however, the clouds cleared and the sun shone and we had a fabulous day with twenty of our club members and twenty of their invited guests from bowling clubs around the region competing to win this very friendly but very competitive competition.

Our Competition Secretary, Terry Jeffries did a great job in organising the day and keeping forty players in order. Everyone had at least four games of nine ends with the highest scorers going through to the semi finals and then on to the final. Our eventual finalists were Thelma McBratney and Sue Wareing (Lower Holker/Ulverston Cons) v Marysia Lear and Mercedes Mendez (Lindale) It was a very close final with a deciding end needed to determine the final outcome. The winners for our Invitation Day 2024 were Marysia and Mercedes - Congratulations ladies.

Our winners for Invitation Day 2024 from left to right Mercedes  and Marysia

The cloudy start to the day

Action in the sun

More action in the sun

Our runners up from left to right Sue and Thelma 

Winner of the Jack and Eileen Holden Trophy 2024 is Alan Balderstone

On the 8th June our annual handicapped competition for the Jack and Eileen Holden trophy was held. 

Club members with varying degrees of experience and ability joined the handicapped competition giving everyone a shot at victory and it's fair to say there were some brilliant performances and a few shock results but that's the purpose of the handicapped system.

After an array of very entertaining games our finalists were Jeanne Tattersall and Alan Balderstone. Alan eventually winning 21-19. An excellent game to watch which could have gone either way. Well done Alan and commiserations to Jeanne.

The winner 2024 Alan Balderstone right. The trophy was presented by Terry Jeffries left 

Runner up Jeanne Tattersall

some early action

Enjoying the sunshine while 

Markers on the day

Team Spirit - Our first social of 2024

Following the theme of the day - 'Team Spirit', all participants  were allocated teams, each with the name of a spirit - Gin, Vodka, Whiskey and Rum etc.  Each team then split into 2 pairs, deciding amongst themselves who would play with whom.  Each pair played one pair from each of the other teams.  The prizes for the winners, Pauline Jones, Terry Jeffries, Margaret Wilson and Joyce Hawksford - still on theme - were a small glass each with a miniature - one of Gin, Pink Gin, Vodka and Jack Daniels.  In addition there was a bottle of Jack Daniels for Syd's bottle which was won by Patrick Donnelly; a 'Nearest the Line' comp which was won jointly by Joyce Hawksford and Richard Moorby and they won their £3 entry fee back.  The Jacob's Join was its usual varied and delicious offering.


The winners of Team Spirit 2024

From left to right:

 Pauline Jones, Terry Jeffries,

Joyce Hawksford and Margaret Wilson

The winner of Syd's bottle

Patrick Donnerly

The joint winners of Over the Line

From left to right:

 Richard Moorby and Joyce Hawksford

Clean up day 2024

On Saturday 23rd March, a cold and blustery morning, over twenty hard working, enthusiastic members of the club turned out to Spring clean the clubhouse, kitchen, external surrounding areas and to start work on some much needed major roof repair to the visitors shelter that had suffered significant damage during the winter.

We washed, disinfected, scrubbed, mopped, brushed, steamed, vacuumed, painted, tidied, dismantled and scrapped to the local tip anything that was deemed beyond repair. A  deep clean indeed and the end result of all this activity is a venue ready for the season. Thanks to everyone who contributed, an excellent display of teamwork with the usual ABC spirit.

The Green Team

On Friday 8th March a number of us gathered at the green to receive our our initial insight into green keeping with particular emphasis in this first lesson on grass cutting and aerating.  Under the very watchful eyes of Alan Balderstone and excellent demonstration and guidance by Ron Tattersall we all had a turn with the mower, it's fair to say that none of us can throw our 'L' plates out yet but with further coaching we might just get to the standard required and be able to cut solo.

The Aerator was demonstrated beautifully by John Hilton. A substantial piece of machinery and more suited to some of our stronger members but the use of smaller aerator, scarifier, fertilizer spreaders and strimmer should be achievable with a few more lessons.

If you are interested in joining the Green Team, even if you believe your help is limited by how much time you can give or what you can do  please contact Alan Balderstone  07595417069

ABC Annual lunch

On Sunday 24th January many of our club members gathered together at the Cumbria Grand hotel in Grange for the annual end of season lunch.  Our thanks go to Brian and Karyn Loader for planning the event and providing us with some crazy after lunch games which in the spirit of Allithwaite were played good humouredly but of course competitively, there were prizes afterall! 

Gillian Balderstone wins Kendal and District Division 3 Merit Championships 2023

Allithwaite were pleased to be able to enter players into two of these matches from our 'A' and 'C' teams and we are delighted to announce that Gillian Balderstone from our 'A' team won the competition beating in the final her opponent Paul Kinley from Kendal Victoria 21 - 9. Congratulations Gillian.

From left to right Colin Howarth, Chairman K&D League, Gillian Balderstone, Paul Kinley and Derek Wilson, Chairman Crosthwaite Bowling Club

Goodbye season 2023 

After the challenging season of 2022 it was fantastic for us to be able to return to the Allithwaite Green for the 2023 season and enjoy both our social bowling and league matches. This return can be mainly attributed to the hard work and dedication by two key people, Alan Balderstone and Ron Tattershall who have tirelessly worked to restore the green and keep it in great playing condition through the season. Well done and thank you both.

The work on the green doesn't stop when we finish playing indeed the end of season treatments are vital to ensure that next season the green is even better. This year we decided to appoint an external company to help us and work was undertaken on September the 12th.  A new member of the club, John Hilton, was there on the day to record the action for us.

You Tube Green renovations video

Further work on the green will be needed through the winter and into the 2024 season and with the announcement of the retirement of our Greenkeeper John Kendall after thirty years dedicated commitment to the club we are now actively seeking a new Greenkeeper.  If you believe you could help the club with this or some of the duties of this role please follow the link.  Greenkeeper 

Perfect President's Day 2023

Saturday 2nd September and our last annual social event on the green and what a day.

Our President for 2023, Alan Balderstone with assistance from Terry Jeffries, Events Coordinator and Gillian Balderstone put on a day to remember, Alan even ordered sunshine!

The event was open to all club members either competing in a random draw doubles competition or simply there to spectate and support, while enjoying the competition, the company and the Jacobs Join feast, generously provided by our members.

34 members competed in the doubles competition which involved four rounds of seven ends so lots of action for everyone. The four highest scoring pairs went on to compete in a semi final and then onto the final.

Our finalists were Marysia Lear and Julia Nicholson v Karyn Loader and Ron Tattershall. The winners with a final winning score of 8 - 5 were Karyn Loader and Ron Tattershall. Congratulations.

For more photos of President's Day see Gallery

Centre our 2023 President Alan Balderstone with members Joyce Hawksford and Sandra Matthewman

Winners on President's Day 2023 from left to right Karyn Loader, Ron Tattershall & Alan Balderstone 

Jack Johnston Open Competition 2023

On the 26th September we were delighted to hold our annual mixed doubles open competition sponsored by Carcraft.  This special day is in remembrance of Jack Johnston, a long and loyal member of Allithwaite Bowling Club and fondly remembered by many current members. 

We had twenty eight entries making for a good, long battle with some very close and some, not so close games and eventually we had our finalists,  Angela Athersmith and Simon Bray v Bob Lord and Joan Loveland. It was an exciting final and hard fought game with the final score of 21 - 16

 We were delighted this year that Jack's daughter, Linda was able to attend the event and present the trophy to our very worthy winners, Angela Athersmith and Simon Bray.

The runners up. From left to right Bob Lord, 

Bob Lear, Linda Nott Joan Loveland

From left to right Linda Nott, Simon Bray and Angela Athersmith

Gillian Balderstone winner of the singles competition with Alan Balderstone ABC President 2023

The winner of the ABC Singles Bowling Competition for 2023 is Gillian Balderstone.

On Saturday 12th July we held our annual internal singles competition. The competition was open to all members with the games randomly selected making for a very interesting day. 

 The weather at 9.30am was dreadful but it didn't dampen our spirits for the game and eventually we were actually bowling in sunshine, unfortunately it didn't last long.  

Our finalists were Lee Storey and Gillian Balderstone.  The final score was 21 - 10.  Commiserations to Lee but congratulations to Gillian who  retains the singles trophy having won it in 2022.

Our runner up for 2023 Lee Storey with club  President Alan Balderstone

From left to right David Pendlebury, Carol Naylor, Marysia Lear and Allan Wilson

The winners of the ABC Doubles Bowling Competition 2023 are Marysia Lear and Carol Naylor.

On Sunday 30th July we held our annual internal doubles competition. The competition was open to all members and the pairs drawn on the basis of their experience and ability.  It was great to see some of our new members for this season joining in the fun and indeed some of our founding members both playing and spectating.

We couldn't say it was the best bowling weather but it certainly didn't affect the play with some very close games, lost and won in, of course, the best Allithwaite spirit.

Our finalist were Marysia Lear and Carol Naylor playing against David Pendlebury and Allan Wilson . David and Allan had played brilliantly throughout the rounds but they just couldn't beat the ladies with the final score at 21 - 5.  Congratulations to Marysia and Carol who take away the crystal trophies for this year.  Well done!

On Sunday 30th July we held our annual internal doubles competition. The competition was open to all members and the pairs drawn on the basis of their experience and ability.  It was great to see some of our new members for this season joining in the fun and indeed some of our founding members both playing and spectating.

We couldn't say it was the best bowling weather but it certainly didn't affect the play with some very close games, lost and won in, of course, the best Allithwaite spirit.

Our finalist were Marysia Lear and Carol Naylor playing against David Pendlebury and Allan Wilson . David and Allan had played brilliantly throughout the rounds but they just couldn't beat the ladies with the final score at 21 - 5.  Congratulations to Marysia and Carol who take away the crystal trophies for this year.  Well done!

Charity Day Sunday 9th July 2023

On Sunday 9th July we held our annual Charity Day this year supporting not one but two charities Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer.

The day was a resounding success and even the storm in the middle couldn’t put the dampeners on our spirits, well rain never stops play in Crown Green bowling so why should our Charity Day be any different?

The event was planned and organized by Gillian Balderstone, Jeanne Tattershall and Linda Schofield who were magnificently assisted by Alan Balderstone, Ron Tattershall, Brian Schofield, Brian Burton and Ann Scott. Thank you all.

The day included some fun but competitive bowling, lots of silly games, a tombola, a raffle and a barbecue. The raffle was supported by many local companies who provided for us some fantastic prizes resulting in local ticket sales in excess of 1000 and contributing significantly to our fund-raising event, we thank them and everyone who bought tickets for their generosity.

Our fund raising will continue to the end of our season, however, we are extremely pleased to report that funds raised to date are £927.00

Should you wish to contribute to either of these very worthy charities please follow the links.

Breast Cancer    Prostate Cancer 

Winner of the Jack and Eileen Holden Trophy 2023 is Peter Slater. 

On the 10th June our annual handicapped competition for the Jack and Eileen Holden trophy was held.  The trophy was originally given to the club by Eileen Holden in remembrance of her husband Jack who played for Allithwaite for many years.

The day was a great success with 22 members seeking a win and we had many very close games.  The final battle was between Peter Slater and Margaret Wilson with Peter eventually winning 21 - 17  Well done Peter.

Peter Slater (L) with ABC President Alan Balderstone

From left to right Brian Loader, Terry Jeffries, Linda Schofield, Brian Burton (Founder Member), Alan Balderstone, Eric Hubbard, Brian Schofield, John Kendall (Founder Member), David Pendlebury and Margaret Lang

The famous Allithwaite Jacobs Join buffet

Allithwaite members and friends celebrate their 30th anniversary

On the 14th May 2023 Allithwaite bowling club celebrated their 30th anniversary by holding one of their famous  social events including friendly but competitive bowling matches, fun bowling games, an amazing raffle, fantastic food provided by everyone attending and of course a birthday cake.

30th Birthday cake made by Ann Scott